Spy Game: Test Your Powers of Observation

A few years back a spy agency revealed real-life agents in their cinematic recruiting videos on Youtube.

Instead of using actors, they apparently used real CSIS agents, but didn’t reveal their last name… How very OPSEC.

Nonetheless, today we’ve got a spy game for you to test your powers of observation, and your attention to detail.

Watch the CSIS Intelligence Recruiting Video (2 mins) then answer our questions below (Please pay attention, it’s all about the detail):

Allison, Intelligence Recruiter with CSIS:

Question 1: What City was the CSIS recruiting video filmed in?

Question 2: Allison receives a message “Heads up. Target approaching…” What is the ETA of the target?

Question 3: In the Cafe, what is Allison eating with her coffee? What newspaper do you think she’s reading? (requires your analysis / assessment)

Question 4: The passport of the ‘potential source’ appears to be foreign. What language is it?

Question 5: When Allison first approaches the potential source, how does she start the conversation?

Bonus Question: Is Allison Married?

Post your answers in the comments before clicking through to see the answers.


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